Saturday, May 30, 2020

My ITOH Grows

While the country burns, my garden still grows. And the bumblebees are very busy.

Hattie is scheduled for dental work in two weeks. She was going out for her ball, not watching where she headed, and ran smack into a rocking chair with enough force to knock it over. She hit hard on her face and was stunned for a moment, then seemed to recover. But several days later I heard some crunching that sounded like chewing a rock or bone. No such luck. It was the large premolar tooth cracking on the side of her face she hit. So now we are in store for a big bill over a thousand dollars for cleaning and extraction. It's hard being a dog, but even harder being a dog mom.

 Meet my ITOH peony, Cora Louise. I was hoping it was Bartzella, but she is pretty spectacular too. This was one of several peonies purchased from a catalog nursery that doesn't specialize in peonies. They were the saddest roots, shriveled and dry, and half of them never grew, but at the sale price I got them for it wasn't unexpected. The surprise is this one turning out so nice. I'm so impressed that I will now pay the ridiculous full price to get Bartzella from a peony specialist.

And a beautiful pink poppy to close.


 What is it about tractors that is so exciting? Bob is giddy with excitement and the neighbors are begging to take selfies on it. But the wi...