Sunday, August 16, 2020

A Hot Evening

We finished the iris bed project before the heat wave hit. This started as a pile of weeds and sod that had been pulled up from here and there in the yard. We'd intended to have the hard work done by a landscaper, but no one returned our calls so we did it ourselves. Spreading the rock was intimidating but not that bad. Anyway, on the left are a Japanese black pine and the two rhodies I moved here to live or die after their third transplant, and they're doing well. Tough love. The right side is full of irises that outgrew their old spaces with various colors of yarrow, gaura, Russian sage, and coneflower for summer interest. I look forward to lots of flowers next year.

I'm slyly luring hummers away from neighbors' feeders by planting lots of delicious flowers like this orange crocosmia.

Time for the girls to settle in to their house for the night with a treat of tomatoes, corn and mealworms.

The boys spend the entire day in the shade waiting for the evening cool down before going out to graze.


 The crow family. They flock to the yard when I come out, hoping to get something good to eat. Yesterday they drove off a hawk that was swooping down on the ducks so they get special treats for their help. This is a family of seven. The young ones are noisy and curious and getting into mischief.


Thursday, August 6, 2020

Success at Last

Trying and trying to get a nice big fluffy biscuit. I have finally done it. Thank you Alton Brown, Reloaded. I had to order a special flour and lard on Amazon, but I have done it, I can rest in peace now.


 What is it about tractors that is so exciting? Bob is giddy with excitement and the neighbors are begging to take selfies on it. But the wi...