Tuesday, April 25, 2017

Sheep today

With no sign of foot problems and drier weather we've released the sheep to the main pasture. It's been unused for two weeks, enough time to clear rot bacteria if that was the problem. Seems a lot longer than that. The sheep have become quite familiar with us and don't hesitate to put noses into pockets looking for treats. Gimpy even gives a nudge to get a neck and shoulder rub. They are fun to have around and Hattie is back to working with them. I'm working on slowing her down, walking up, keeping the sheep together and close to me so they calm down a bit. There is a world of difference between the dog broke sheep at Fido's Farm and my flighty boys but Hattie isn't intimidated by their stomping and bolting. She takes off with a wide outrun when they bolt and you'd think there is no way she could catch them, but she has amazing speed and is able to turn them back. Sometimes I'm afraid her heart will burst but she loves what she's doing.

Mocha with his shaggy blanket
Red tulips in the memorial garden
Peonies, iris and poppies off to a strong start
My purple trillium is back
Explosion of tulip color!

Tuesday, April 18, 2017


I love this season! With a little warmth and sunshine the flowers begin to open and I feast on the colors. By afternoon the rain returns and steam rises like fog from the heated blacktop driveway.

A second sheep began limping yesterday. Stomper had the same inflamed skin between the toes of his rear foot that Gimpy had on the front. I'm getting good at treating them, which is to say the sheep are getting used to going into the holding pen and being handled (and getting an animal cracker), and Stomper's limp was gone by evening. All were fine this morning. I think we're dealing with scald rather than rot, so as the grass dries and their feet dry out the problem will resolve itself. All the sheep are named but one, and he is the most reluctant to interact with us.

The Tag and Hoop Memorial Garden
Crow joins ducks in the dandelions
Unique rhodie
A scarlet tulip
Multi colors
Beach strawberries
Unique with hellebores

Friday, April 14, 2017

Catch up time

Lots going on here lately. One of the sheep started limping. We caught it but I didn't see any obvious sign of rot or an abscess. The breeder thought it might have just been a hurt leg. But the limping continued so we caught the little guy again (he managed to give me a black eye in the process) and still not seeing anything out of the ordinary decided to contact a large animal vet who makes house calls for a diagnosis. It took a couple of weeks to get her here and by that time there was evidence of rot. Now have to catch him twice a day for treatment.

When we were building the barn I kept asking for a catch pen, but Mr Bob thought I was over doing things. After trying to catch Gimpy a few times Bob admit a catch pen might be a good idea after all.  The second picture shows what we put together. The larger gate in the back can be swung shut to create an area just large enough to squash in five sheep and two people. The first time we used it I was able to set a pan of chow down and the sheep just walked in, but next attempt was not so easy. They didn't want to get stuck in there and I had to bring in the big guns - Hattie - to apply enough pressure to move them. Once in the excess sheep can be pushed out the big gate or the man gate in back. I hope it will continue to work long enough to finish Gimpy's hoof treatment.

The top picture shows Tux in a sheep halter. We used her to learn how to put it on. The sheep hate them and really struggle to get free.

I took Hattie to Fido's Farm in  Olympia for a herding lesson with her breeder. It was fun and I learned a lot. The farm hosts a week long sheep camp every summer that I'd like to attend. 

We bought four hundred feet of portable electric fence to make a temporary pen on the front part of the property while the main pasture rests awhile. We bring them in to the shed at night. 

Here is our new electric vehicle, the Chevy Bolt. We brought it home yesterday. It's a fun little car!

We're getting the veggies started. The garlic bed is doing well and behind it is lettuce and other greens, under the cover. We put hardware cloth around the bed to keep the rats out. Last year they ate everything.

This year I'm growing tomatoes in the greenhouse in bags of soil. Last year's oregano overwintered and is growing nicely. It's the lush plant behind the bags on the right. I'll be planting more tomatoes and peppers on the left side.

Despite the cold, rainy weather things are growing. Beautiful bulbs! I enjoy the flowers, but weeding and mowing chores are a drag.


 What is it about tractors that is so exciting? Bob is giddy with excitement and the neighbors are begging to take selfies on it. But the wi...