Thursday, April 30, 2020

Spring things

Our shaggy boys are home again. They were a bit destructive at the neighbor's field, somehow finding a way to break the irrigation water line (for which we are covering the cost of repairs). After that I started thinking how they are likely to break the old wire fencing which I don't want to have to replace when we'd only use the field for a few months of the year, so it was nice while it lasted but the boys will have to settle for their home pastures now. The grasses are lush after all the lime and fertilizer we spread last fall so there should be no complaints. I think they miss all the people walking by who stopped to chat though. The boys are a friendly lot.

The mini iris are beginning to bloom!

 Early rhodies, too. There has been a lot of boring weeding to catch up on.

This is how I've decided to hang the clay fish, using bug flies to hide the hooks. I made the flies years ago. Bob found them when he was cleaning the garage. The fish are going to the Port Angeles house but I don't know when I'll get out to buy the nails to hang them (coronavirus).

Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Stay-at-home order suits me

Bring food or we're coming in! The ducks, better known as the bottomless pits.


Toady, a visitor in the front garden beds.

Flowers in the back gardens where frogs (and toads) risk their lives with hungry ducks prowling.

The endless seasonal mowing, trimming, weeding and watering has begun. Ratty sheep pictures coming soon.


 What is it about tractors that is so exciting? Bob is giddy with excitement and the neighbors are begging to take selfies on it. But the wi...