Wednesday, August 27, 2014

Latest Clay Work

I tried some new glazes and a new firing schedule on the latest load of pottery and am very happy with results! Here is a sampling of my favorite pieces. Lighting is very bad but I'm rushed to get them packed to take with us to Sequim.

Pitchers and mugs in Eggshell and Red-Gold:

Misc. mugs in Eggshell and Oasis:

A large strainer in Eggshell, Oasis and Red-gold:

Mixing bowl in Eggshell and Oasis:

Storage jars in Alabaster with Coral and Charcoal Satins applied with low-tech mouth sprayer:

Mixing bowls with colored slips and clear glaze:

Mugs with Eggshell, colored slips and clear glaze:

Storage jars with colored slips and clear glaze:

Pot with colored slip and white satin glaze:

This is the blue glaze that gave me so much trouble last firing. It wasn't applied thick enough and turned an ugly gray. This application was extra thick and I got a beautiful deep, glossy blue with a white satin base. The glaze ran a just little but I'll grind that down and call it good.

Packrat Problems

After spending over $300 Monday to repair the electrical wires chewed up in my new Jetta we were not happy to find five plus gallons of mesquite beans and chewed wiring in the Rhino last night. Bob cleared out a pile of wood fast becoming a packrat midden near the garage and was lucky to find the inhabitant at home. We'll have no more problems from this destructive little critter. 

Nest found in wood pile midden

Two evenings ago the White-lined Sphinx Moth caterpillars emerged from their holes in the dirt. A small army of them made their way down the wash, one after another, looking for greens to feed on. I've not seen anything like it in the years we've been here.

Saturday, August 23, 2014

Sphinx Moth

Sphinx moths were here in abundance this week. I've never seen so many. They are big, pretty moths that look like hummingbirds hovering over flowers. I'm afraid next there will be an unusually large population of caterpillars that will eat the few plants I can successfully grow. It's always something.

White-lined sphinx moth

Sunday, August 17, 2014


Expecting to close on a house in Sequim Sept. 1. It's been a long search. Looking forward to the cooler climate. Not looking forward to moving.

Tux doing really well, no problems on this trip. My life getting much easier without all the special care that's been needed the last six months.

Tag and Hoop slowing down significantly. Still my babies.

I am tired.

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Tux Weigh-In / Valley Fever Update

54! That's up five pounds from last weigh-in. Itraconazole may be the ticket for this dog. Still waiting for lab results.

Update: Liver function is good and Tux's cocci titer has dropped substantially! From 1:256 to 1:164 in one month. We are to continue treatment with Itraconazole.


 What is it about tractors that is so exciting? Bob is giddy with excitement and the neighbors are begging to take selfies on it. But the wi...