Friday, May 15, 2020

What I do in my spare time

It's been roller coaster weather, hot and dry or cool and wet, but the garden is coming to life. The mini irises went above and beyond to put on a show for us, and might even need to be divided this year.

The peonies and iris stalks are growing a lot taller than I remember them in past years. What did I do?

It was a disappointment after realizing this newly planted rhododendron was deciduous, but it's awfully pretty once it gets growing.

Some pretty roses beginning to bloom.

This cistus is one of the few that avoided major winter damage. The others will be culled if they don't recover.

We are no one special anymore
The sheep don't even bother to get up when Hattie and I come to clean up in the morning.

That's no pad Mocha is sitting on, that's what's left of his winter coat. He's always the last to shed.

He is a handsome boy.

The white version of the rose above.

First large iris ready to bloom. 

The worm hunters.

 Clay work
 A coil built flower pot that is larger than it appears here.

Some covered jars. One will be for Tux's collar and things.

Coronavirus project
This is a pattern for a face mask that I really like. It's a bear to cut, as you can see all the angles and nips to follow in the photo. The mock up I made is above the pattern.

This is the inside of the mask. You tuck a filter into the folds. That can be a folded paper towel, cotton batting or other filter material. The mask fits snugly over the bridge of the nose (so glasses can sit on top - no fogging!) and under the chin.

Here it is folded in half. It's a simple, clever design. Brilliant really. Sort of origami. I have a giant polypropylene bag my sink came in to use as mask material, but am waiting on delivery of a cutting blade, mat, and the clips for adjusting the elastic band.


 What is it about tractors that is so exciting? Bob is giddy with excitement and the neighbors are begging to take selfies on it. But the wi...