Wednesday, May 30, 2018

More Garden Time

New camera arrived today but battery is charging and I need to bone up on the operation manual. It's a little point and shoot that does tons of things. My current camera is just too big to put in my pocket and I wanted something easy to carry everywhere. Anyway, these pictures are taken with the old camera. 

Top pic shows the fenceline that is being removed. The new fence will take off from the first post to the right of the fence going out to the flags I hope you can see if you enlarge the picture, and will turn to enclose the trees on the right so the ducks and everyone can putz around in there.

This little nest lined with sheep's wool fell out of a tree during a wind storm. The crows' nests must be really cushy because they collected almost all of the wool the sheep shed, and there was a lot.

The greenhouse plants are super charged. We're already harvesting kohlrabi and fennel. The Siletz tomato is forming fruit while the other types are flowering.

Outside in the cold things are growing much more slowly. Here are carrots, beets, onions and a squash.

I've been picking red lettuce for a couple of weeks, and chard, behind it, is starting to grow now that the days are warmer. Garlic is in the bed in the far background and just starting to put up scapes.

I didn't think the artichokes would come back, the way I butchered them last fall, but here they are putting up some nice looking chokes.

Back to irises. This pretty pink one opened today.

And the second variety chosen for Hooper with flashy orange standards and deep purple falls joined the party. 

So these are all bearded iris. The beards are the fuzzy strips (orange in the flower below) reaching out onto the falls, but the iris below has an interesting variation. I've tried focusing on it differently in the three pictures below. It's a flouncy little appendage at the end of the beard and it's appropriately called a flounce.

Focus on the beard...

Focus on the flounce...

Side shot of beard and flounce...

Knee News

Had my three month post-op visit with the surgeon today and knee passed inspection. Doctor says walk, walk, walk. Get lots of exercise. So I came home and did the long walk around the neighborhood concentrating on lifting my left foot to eliminate the limping that has been causing so much back trouble. I did good. Leaned up against things every now and then and made it home in good shape. Hurray!


 What is it about tractors that is so exciting? Bob is giddy with excitement and the neighbors are begging to take selfies on it. But the wi...