Friday, May 18, 2018

Around the yard

I walked a mile and half around the neighborhood today with one stop at a bench about 2/3 the way through. There's no pain in my new knee but it doesn't bend fully yet so there is stress on the right knee and hip each step, and that's what hurts in the end. Recovery after the walk was quick but I think this calls for moderation so I don't injure my real parts. Still, I was happy to get out and Hattie was thrilled enough to walk by my side (off leash) much of the way.

Pictures from the garden today.

First peony to open, and it's magnificent!

Irises are starting to bloom. This year I need to divide them. An amazing number of blooms to come.

Purple allium, purple smoke tree and sequoia.

Moonshine yarrow (flowers will be yellow) and Grace smoke tree, a yellow green version of Cotinus.

Lupine (in shades to match my hair!), allium and columbine.

Beautiful leaves. Hosta and oxalis. 

Tag and Hooper's Memorial Garden growing vigorously with rugosa roses set to bloom. Will be lovely when blue flowers of ceanothus (rear left) open. This is a wonderful time of year, full of color and new things to find every day.


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