Saturday, February 16, 2019

We Move On

A few warmer days makes for easier chores but I have had enough of the snow. Where is spring? 

The ducks are back to making a ruckus when I come out. I suppose they think this weather is all my fault.

The boys are moving out from under the tree a bit looking for fresh grass but not having much luck, so it's back to the barn for hay.

Asking for a cheek scratch. Who can resist this sweet face?

Is there any way to read a duck?

This is Tux's favorite spot even if it's covered with snow.

Hattie's ball was getting lost in the deep, fluffy snow so we switched to throwing the foam frisbee. 

Now it's crusty enough to support her weight without breaking through. There is no working sheep when it's like this so a dog has to get her exercise where she can.


 What is it about tractors that is so exciting? Bob is giddy with excitement and the neighbors are begging to take selfies on it. But the wi...