Saturday, February 9, 2019


Snow is still coming down steadily this morning. It was close to knee deep getting to the shed with drifts well over my knees.

I left the ducks in their house last night and had to dig them out.  This much snow is so unusual here that we don't even have a snow shovel, but a leaf rake works in a pinch when the snow is light. The girls were cozy and comfortable when I opened the door. They're sharing meals with the wild birds now so I leave extra food for them. Towhees and white crowned sparrows mostly. They all appreciate warm water, too. Here are the girls waiting for Bob to finish clearing out an area next to their house. The snow is deep and dense enough they sort of float on top.

The boys were finishing up last night's uneaten hay so I topped it off and said my hellos with a few cheek rubs. Crusty snow clung to their backs and the barn was clean so they must have spent the night under the blue spruce.

I wasn't about to try getting down to it with the wagon for a clean up. That chore will have to wait.

Meanwhile Hattie focused her attention on the boys from outside the barn. She's not too happy with this interruption of her herding time.

Tux dug in by the trees while we worked, happy to stay out all day if she had her way. She's clearly becoming dotty in old age.


 What is it about tractors that is so exciting? Bob is giddy with excitement and the neighbors are begging to take selfies on it. But the wi...