Friday, February 8, 2019


It's been snowing all day. Like an Alaska snowstorm. And now the wind is blowing. I went out to check on the ducks. It is so deep I feared they were buried somewhere not to be found until it all melts. What a relief to spot them plowing through, little heads floating above the snow. I'm trying to decide if they need to be put in the greenhouse overnight in case the drifting snow covers their house. 

This was about 9 am, the boys hoping we will come and rescue them. They finally gave up and retired to shelter under the blue spruce. They are fair weather sheep.

Below is about half an hour later.

And a few hours more snow accumulation.

These two show the scene from the front door with a few hours between. It's coming down about 2 inches an hour.

Here is something cheerful to end with.


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