Sunday, May 28, 2017

Time for Irises

 A foggy, cool morning for taking pictures of flowers. First three pics show Tag and Hoop's garden.

"Red" irises and a true red peony in the red garden. The dahlias didn't survive the cold, wet winter. I planted three more but they'll be the last. I'm thinking of replacing them with Itoh peonies that should be strong enough to withstand the crazy winds that rip through here.

This yellow rose is pretty but the plant really needs chemical intervention to look it's best. It seems to be susceptible to everything bad for roses. I'm not into spraying and would rather pull the plant if it needs much attention. I noticed stippling on some of the roses this morning and sure enough, there are little white buggies (aphids, maybe?) on the undersides of the leaves. Mildew is showing on others. Sigh. I tried to buy disease resistant varieties and am pretty disappointed with this.

An interesting giant allium the previous owner planted....

The lovely pink Pieris leaves have transitioned to this washed out phase before turning varigated green/white, and once again this tip burning is showing up. The plants only get morning and evening light so I find it hard to believe it's sun scald. The soil is moist but drains well. What else could cause this? Very disappointing.

Good news for Tux! We cut the Valley Fever meds down to once a day and check titer again in three months to see if she's stable. The vet has been worried about liver damage from being on a high dose of Fluconazole for so many years, but so far so good. 


 What is it about tractors that is so exciting? Bob is giddy with excitement and the neighbors are begging to take selfies on it. But the wi...