Thursday, May 11, 2017

A New Danger

Cougars! There are eight known to be living in the lowlands between Dungeness Creek in Sequim and Morse Creek in Port Angeles. We are right in the middle. Word is a young cougar attacked a lamb recently so I am concerned about my boys. The lamb survived. I haven't seen news of a cougar being killed, so it must have gotten away. Details about the attack were sketchy. There was a sign about cougar sightings at Robin Hill Park last summer, about a mile south of us.

 In less dire happenings, there were blackbirds walking the sheep's backs today and the herding is going well. While the sheep stomp and move away if Hattie approaches their pen, Tux can get nose to nose with some of them. They are real characters. I had no idea sheep have so much personality. An elderly couple that live nearby were telling us about all the animals they used to have and said sheep were their least favorite because they were so standoffish, but our guys come running for scratches and treats.  

Here are Sapphire and Amber hunting in the flower beds. We have rain again today. Veggies are growing nicely. We're eating lots of salad greens. Too bad they are gone when the tomatoes come in.


 What is it about tractors that is so exciting? Bob is giddy with excitement and the neighbors are begging to take selfies on it. But the wi...