Monday, July 27, 2020

Hot Summer Days

It's hot again today. We've been walking down to the coast in the morning while it's cool. Yesterday there was a baby seal all alone on the beach and I had no camera, so today I went prepared. Where the seal had been there were three deer. They weren't particularly sociable and disappeared.

Hattie waited at the lagoon, always ready to retrieve a stick thrown in the water as long as it doesn't go too far. She is not comfortable with swimming.

The tree of floats at the bridge crossing continues to grow.

An unusual sight, dead mole on the trail.

Back in the greenhouse jungle.

Pink Berkeley Tie Die tomatoes. These are supposed to be tricky and need to be harvested at the first sign of pink color because they go bad quickly. The stripes are pretty and they're tasty.

Perron tomatoes, not even close.

I thought the outside things would never start growing but they finally took off and we've been eating well. I put an extra tomato plant outside because I hate to throw away any living thing, but I'm not expecting any fruit to ripen.

Lots of salad greens.

My favorite squash. Delicious Delicata!


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