Sunday, June 21, 2020

Time of the Roses

The roses are beginning to bloom despite all the black spot and molds from the humidity and rain. I think this is the rainiest June ever. Definitely since we've been here.

I'm really pushing it on greenhouse space. Eight tomato plants, four beans, two squash, bunches of basil, six peppers, dill, oregano and a few kohlrabi are packed in here. We are considering adding a hoop house because things grow so much better for me under cover than outside.

 Lettuce is doing OK but the ducks have taken a liking to it and trim up all the heads as far as they can reach.

And here are the little devils acting innocent.

A pretty poppy.

Clumsy me. I dropped a fish while trying to hang it. It split into three pieces which I have glued together but there are a few chips that need to be filled and the epoxy I need for that is somewhat specialized and not available around here. I ordered through Amazon but tracking shows the package was shipped to Alaska and disappeared. So I will try something else then try to match paint to finish.

But this is really only an exercise in repair because I can just make another one!


 What is it about tractors that is so exciting? Bob is giddy with excitement and the neighbors are begging to take selfies on it. But the wi...