Wednesday, May 22, 2019

Garden Pictures

Because it's sunny this morning after a day of gentle rain and things are flowering I am posting pictures.

The iris were divided last summer and I gave most of them away to the neighbors so I hope they are all enjoying flowers like this.

So happy to be expanding the rhodies and azaleas in the garden because even though they are still small the flowers make a big impact.

The red peonies are going strong. All the new peony plantings from the last two falls are growing nicely, too. At three years they really start filling out and producing flowers like mad. Peonies are very long lived, like a hundred years, and one of the easiest plants to care for.

This one is waiting its turn to put on a show.

More rhodies. I have to buy varieties that can handle full sun and feed them liberally to compensate for the poor soil. 

Coming back faithfully every year and finally producing a lot of flowers, this poppy was labeled a red, but is definitely orange. I planted a pink one last week so keeping fingers crossed it survives. They can be fussy and who knows what color it will turn out to be.

The "anything goes" area with some of my most spectacular irises forming. 

The second iteration strawberry tower we constructed last year is looking good, not a leaning tower like the first one. We should be eating berries soon.

No pictures of the sheep today. They were hiding someplace in the shade and maybe a little shy about showing off their sleek bodies after shedding. 


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