Thursday, January 10, 2019


It was time to tackle the mess in my shop and find a way to make it feel a bit more spacious, so I spent a few hours tidying and rearranging and here is the result. The giant windows have proven to be a real pain. When the sun shines it is absolutely blinding, and in summer the room heats up like an oven. I'll have to hang something over them. Shower curtains would be long enough, cheaper than blinds or other window coverings, and easy to clean off splashes of glaze and clay that seem to fly around the room when I'm not looking. Anyway, I'm ready to get working with porcelain again. Just need to do a thorough cleaning of tools and water buckets. The last firing was OK. A couple of pieces I was pleased with, some stuff just OK, a few tossers, and only the sheep to reglaze and fire again, or use non-glaze finishing methods. 

We're signing paperwork for the title transfer on the desert house today. All signs point to the sale closing as scheduled on the 15th!


 What is it about tractors that is so exciting? Bob is giddy with excitement and the neighbors are begging to take selfies on it. But the wi...