Saturday, August 5, 2017

An Expensive Toenail

Hattie cracked a dewclaw nail while herding sheep a few days ago, the second time this summer. It was pretty painful and starting to look red all around so a visit to the vet was in order. Last time a tech was able to nip the nail off without need to see the vet, saving a lot of money.  I took her in yesterday hoping for the same but it turned into a bigger thing than expected. The crack went all the way up the nail under the skin with inflammation all around it. So the hoped for simple clip turned into a mini surgery requiring sedation to cut out the whole nail, and along with a round of antibiotics and pain meds to jack up the cost it put us back over two hundred dollars. She did get a cute bandage in the deal though. I can remove that Monday if she resists tearing it off this weekend. An Elizabethan collar was prescribed but I'm holding off as long as possible. While I recognize the need for their use, these collars are awful devices to put on an animal that doesn't understand the why of it or that it is only temporary. 

Here is Tux looking more alert already after going back to antifungals twice a day. With both dogs needing multiple meds twice a day I am hard pressed to keep them all straight. 


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