Monday, February 6, 2017

Weather and sheep plans

The scene this morning, and snowing again this afternoon. Everyone keeps saying this is a very unusual winter but I'm afraid these wacky weather patterns are going to be the new norm.

We went over pasture plans with a fencer today and decided on a pole barn structure that will straddle the fence so that half will be in the secure night pen and half overhang the pasture providing a place for shade, dry hay storage, hay feeders, and protection from wind and rain in both areas. The night pen will be located in the corner of the yard behind my studio/shed and will open into the pasture north of the fenced yard. There's also a good area on the southwest corner of the property, out front and to the side of the house, but that will be an option we'll decide on later. We might just get temporary fencing that can be easily moved for other grazing areas and pass on field fencing there. 


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