Monday, March 17, 2014

Good News Bad News again

Good news on Hooper. The kidney diet and probiotics are working wonders. Blood testing today showed her creatinine and BUN levels have returned to normal! 

There is some good news for Tux. Her body is accepting the Fluconazole and her liver is still functioning well. The bad news is she has lost weight after a rough week of bloody stools, depression and loss of appetite. She still has a low grade fever and evidence of sepsis. Poor thing seems to be losing the battle with this fungus. We are doubling down on the anti-fungal meds, eliminating the anti-inflammatory, and treating with Metronidazole and Enrofloxacin for the sepsis. I still wonder if it wouldn't be kinder to let her go peacefully, but I guess we'll try the more aggressive approach and see how she is in three months -- if she makes it that long. Yes, it's that bad.

We interrupted a couple of lizards in an intimate embrace on our walk yesterday. This appears to be the female with her tail frozen in "position." I'm taking the camera with us now, hoping to catch a couple of tortoises in the act.

I am working on large clay bottles for a specific glaze combination. Here are the first two. Clay is Cone 5 Sedona Red that fires to a pretty toasty color. The dark clay is making an awful mess in my studio though.


 What is it about tractors that is so exciting? Bob is giddy with excitement and the neighbors are begging to take selfies on it. But the wi...