Tuesday, July 23, 2019

A Three Egg Day

The duck house had to be moved again. Setting it beside the sheep pen was not a good idea. The girls couldn't stand the prying eyes of the sheep on them in the morning when it was laying time and I was finding who-knows-how-old eggs all over the yard instead of their house. So we hitched the house to the Rhino and pulled it down to a spot out of the wind where they can see the comings and goings at the garage door, and will have the benefit of morning sunlight during winter months. So there they are this morning demanding the door be opened, and I am finding eggs in the nest again.

Hattie waits for morning sheep chores to begin and the sheep exit the barn when they see her. That's the power of a border collie.

When can we come in? Have you brought hay? 

I cleared out all the old stuff from the raised beds and replanted with lettuce, broccoli, beets and carrots for a fall harvest. Now I have to figure out some way to keep the ducks from eating things from the edges. They've been monsters this summer plucking blueberries and leaves from the bushes and eating my oriental poppy bed almost to the ground.

Some garlic and oniony things...

Growing sunflowers again. I found seeds for a short variety that won't be knocked down in our persistent winds.

Delighted that a few Flemish Antique peony poppies survived the duck invasion. I'll save seeds and try again next year, fencing the devious little ones out. These are so beautiful.


 What is it about tractors that is so exciting? Bob is giddy with excitement and the neighbors are begging to take selfies on it. But the wi...