Saturday, March 16, 2019

Signs of Spring

We're getting some warm weather. Finally. It's the time of year when you can't quite figure out how to dress, but signs of spring are popping up all over the yard. 

Every year crocus bloom in the raspberry beds. I don't know how they got there but they are a welcome spot of color right now.

I cleaned out the raspberry beds and cut the stems back to about six feet. Maybe this year it won't be quite such a jungle. 

Tulips  survived the snow with their leaves looking just slightly worse for wear. No flowers yet.

But daffodils are beginning to bloom.

These are small ones. Jonquils maybe? 

I've had little luck growing cilantro. Last summer I just let it flower and tossed the plant from the pot when it died. To my surprise seeds sprouted in the greenhouse floor during the cool of winter. This is the best cilantro I've ever grown! Who knew it was a cool season crop for the greenhouse?

More work on the sheep pens. We bumped out the holding pen to make it a little longer so Bob can walk the boys into the sling seat for hoof trimming. We're also adding an overhang on the back of the barn so the boys have more shade and area to keep out of the snow and rain. They are fussy about staying dry. The posts on the left will support the roof although right now they are serving as rubbing posts. The boys have begun to shed their wool and rub against everything to get it off. 

Midday nap for the duckies. They are huddled in the shade of a huckleberry, safely out of sight of hawks and eagles flying over.

The leaves of my beautiful hellebores took a beating in the heavy snow but the flowers have recovered. 

Tux Update

The old girl is better but  still not out of the woods. She's a little unsteady at times and is reluctant to shake her head. I don't know if it's because she loses balance or it is painful. This thing, whatever the cause, has taken a lot out of her.


 What is it about tractors that is so exciting? Bob is giddy with excitement and the neighbors are begging to take selfies on it. But the wi...