Sunday, August 12, 2018

Double Trouble

I don't know who's in more trouble here, the tin quail or the duck girls. 

I found a tuft of feathers in front of the greenhouse yesterday and wondered if something had happened to one of the ducks. They aren't shedding so it's unusual to find their feathers right now. Then these two showed up in the yard this morning and I'm wondering if one of them tried unsuccessfully to snatch a duck. They are Cooper's hawks. The one on the left is definitely a juvenile. Don't know about the other one. 

I scared them off while approaching for more photos but they've been hanging around along with a daring raven and a few crows that are desperately trying to protect their territory from all the predators. Neighbors have a load of feeders out and there is always a flock of pigeons and small birds around that get picked off by the hawks. 


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