Friday, December 11, 2015

Beginning Agility

Started agility classes with Hattie this week, working on basics to get her to follow hand signals and develop relationship. The biggest hurdle for now will be getting her to go to my side. Her preference is to sit in front facing me and it's not going to be easy to change that. There was only one other dog in class. A rambunctious red Aussie. He was very interested in Hattie but she was busy earning treats and wanted nothing to do with him. Poor guy got the cold shoulder.

Hattie sits at the bathroom door watching me brush my teeth morning and night. Last night I tossed an old toothbrush in the trash. Before I knew it she was carrying the old thing around, her new favorite chew toy. It was so cute I let her have it until she fell asleep. However, the trash can is now in the cabinet under the sink. Hooper was very good at sneaking things out of trash cans, too.

House sitting is going well. No more accidents.


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