Saturday, October 31, 2015

A Day to Remember Tag

October 31, 2000 to July 21, 2015. 
We miss you Tag.


Midway in the picture below, directly above Tag, is the rusty roof of our Oatman house. Musoke, the parrot, is buried in the rock cairn to his right, where the bowls are, a spot where she can keep watch over the world. I would say let's go see Soke, and Tag would lead me all the way up here. Believe it out not, someone eventually found this spot and stole the bowls!

So cute. He loved to make a show of digging in rodent holes, thus the dirty nose. I don't know how he didn't get Valley Fever.

Looking handsome with a relaxed, happy expression in this photo taken at the cabin in Homer.

We spent so many hours exploring the desert. The views were grand and Tag was happy to pose for a picture. Some of the buildings around Oatman are visible on the  mountainside in the upper right of the photo below. 

Always sharing his discoveries, here Tag points out a feather or scent on a twig. On our hikes he would bring things he found to me, or me to them. His curiosity was remarkable. He was a valuable partner that found something new every time we went out. 

I like to remember him in his prime posing in this rare show of desert poppies. There will never be another dog like Tag.


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