Tuesday, July 14, 2015

Middle of July!

Bob is moving right along on the garden shed. He's building rafters and the neighbors offered to help get up the first one that is pretty heavy with the siding on. It's looking good.

Tomatoes ripening. Yum! Three on left are Cherokee Purple, big red one is a beefsteak, two smaller reds are Stupice.

The ducks are growing. They hunt in the raspberry patch, eat berries and  pick up a bug or two, I hope. The neighbors bought some nightcrawlers and traumatized the poor things. We put a few in the pool hoping they would dive for them but they refused to get into the water until the worms were removed. Today I will introduce mealworms - much less intimidating. 

Caught in the act. Here is one of the girls dripping raspberry juice.

And Hooper. It felt like I was on a death watch today until she started eating again. She can have whatever she wants, not worrying about the kidney disease at this point. We just want her to be comfortable and happy.


 What is it about tractors that is so exciting? Bob is giddy with excitement and the neighbors are begging to take selfies on it. But the wi...