Tuesday, May 26, 2015


Bob put my ceramic fish on the concrete greenhouse foundation on either side of the door. I like the gladiolus leaves growing in front of them. It looks a little like seaweed.

Blueberries! They're starting to ripen on the Chandler bush so I'm trying out a wrap of wedding fabric to keep birds off. A Towhee has been hanging out in the raspberries already but it looks like there will be plenty of those to share. I won't be so generous with the blueberries.

Hundreds of bumble bees have been pollinating the raspberries. The buzzing is impressively loud if you dare walk amongst them. While they seem docile enough now, the females are able to sting multiple times so I try to keep my distance. If anyone gets stung (by bees or mosquitoes or wasps) it will be me. 

I wanted pictures of the bumblers to help with identification of species but the wind and their flighty behavior is making it difficult. I took pictures at the Ceanothus on the protected side of the house but it looks like we have honey bees there. Oh well.


 What is it about tractors that is so exciting? Bob is giddy with excitement and the neighbors are begging to take selfies on it. But the wi...