Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Hooper Day 2

Hooper paced all night, back and forth from the cabin to the bedroom, toenails clicking on the wood floor and stiff  Elizabethan collar banging into doorways and furniture. We decided it was the collar bothering her more than the discomfort from surgical procedures so we took the damned thing off this morning and are keeping close watch that she doesn't disturb the eyelid sutures. She's getting Tramadol three times a day, Novox and Clindamycin twice a day, and an eye cream two or three times. Added to the meds for Tag and Tux it's a lot to keep straight. I made a check-off chart to keep track because I tend to forget if I've given or not. Photo shows the shaved area below left eye sutures, swollen muzzle from tooth extractions, bare patch on arm where IV was placed. Some kind soul in the clinic brushed Hooper for an hour while she was sedated (because there is no brushing her without) and boy does her coat look good. Her undercoat has a texture like wool and mats into clumps that are the devil to brush but will eventually fall out if left alone. She's not a happy camper now but appears to be resting better without the collar. I hope she'll be looking happier soon.


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