Friday, August 16, 2019

Roofing Time

Big changes at the rental house. The roofers started work Wednesday. The crew foreman went up to start removing material and broke through the roof first thing. We soon learned the north side was still the old shiplap siding that was quite rotten and parts of the roof had no insulation. All of the rotten stuff was replaced and insulation was added where missing. Then Bob discovered a rotten panel on one wall that turned out to be more than expected and that needed replacing. So it's been a busy few days. Job should be completed Monday with a four man crew working on it.

Keeping fingers crossed the roof holds all these bodies!

Old shiplap siding and rotten area on north side of house. Picture below it shows the patch. Another plywood panel goes over the top and will be painted matching gray and eventually we'll add battens to give it a coastal look. That's a real opening porthole in the bay wall.


Cedar shakes go on the bays. This is the north bay which is hard to picture because it is inside the fenced area. 

Front of house with new black roofing. The south side bay up there on the roof will be covered with cedar shakes, too. Should add some interest to our little box.


That's it for now.


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