Thursday, November 8, 2018

Winter is coming

The ground was frosty this morning and the ducks were not pleased about it. They burst out of their house in search of worms but there were none to be found. I suppose the cold on their feet and frozen water didn't help matters either. It warms quickly though and they need to toughen up for the worse to come. Egg laying has stopped and feathers are being renewed. 

A good exercise for Hattie. She holds the sheep out of the barn while Bob fills the hay bags.

Here is Boots who has finally decided a little cheek and chin scratching is perfectly fine. He is a clever boy, curious and always investigating new things. 

Timmi is still not convinced being touched by human hands is a good thing. An occasional chin scritch is OK but only if he's in the mood.

Hattie waits outside the barn for sheep work to be done.

Meanwhile, Stomper keeps an eye on Hattie.

Neighbor news

The huge shelter in the lovely pasture that we thought was for the mini horses has new occupants. And they aren't minis. They are two very friendly regular size horses. One is eighteen months, the other a few years older. Lean and leggy. The poor minis aren't allowed on pasture, we're told, because they don't know when to stop eating and will get too fat. Life just isn't fair.

This is a shot of a neighbor's sheep. They are a hair breed but quite a bit smaller than my Katahdins. The black ones are very attractive and I may sneak off with them some day.


 What is it about tractors that is so exciting? Bob is giddy with excitement and the neighbors are begging to take selfies on it. But the wi...