Tuesday, March 21, 2017

Busy days

Bob wanted to bring the sheep out to mow the yard so we blocked off an area between the garden and perimeter fence with pieces of this and that. Not a very secure set up at all. The first day everything went OK, but today the sheep broke out and started devouring everything but the grass. We thought Hattie might get them back into the pen but the situation quickly turned to chaos as the sheep split in five different directions and  Hattie out of control going after one then another. Boy did she get in trouble. I had to work her again right away under a more controlled situation to end on a positive note. Some lessons with a good instructor would do wonders for us so I'm making an appointment with Karen Childs at a farm near Olympia next month. Here are the sheep before they made their big break.

And here is Hattie before going berserk.

Spring yard chores are piling up. We finished thinning the old stems out of the raspberries. Back breaking work. Now I'm working on weeds and spreading mulch. Ugh.

The ducks have been complaining about losing the pasture to the sheep. They liked hunting for worms and bugs down there. A red tailed hawk attacked them this week. Lucky that I was working in the yard and chased it off. None of the ducks were injured except for Emerald running into a wooden peg and hurting her leg. She's been limping for a couple days. There's a pair of red tails that appear to be nesting nearby and it looks like they killed another red tail. We saw them feeding on it yesterday anyway. The duck eggs are stacking up now. One of the girls laid a huge one this morning.

Biggest and smallest

My walking days are nearing an end. I'm waiting on an appointment to find out about getting a new knee. The pain when I walk is intolerable. Kept me awake most of last night too so I'm fading fast now.


 What is it about tractors that is so exciting? Bob is giddy with excitement and the neighbors are begging to take selfies on it. But the wi...