Monday, July 18, 2016

The garden

More pictures. 

Zinnias. These poor things had a hard time getting started. They are in unamended soil (our soil is awful) and temperatures have been unusually cool, so they were slow to get growing. Then they had to overcome the earwig attacks. Some of the seedlings didn't make it. This is one that did and I love that it produces flowers of different bright colors.

This blueberry variety is Chandler and the berries are huge when fully ripened. If I had room for more this would be the one I'd go with.

Couple of dahlias...

Sky high tomatoes in the greenhouse. We need some warm sunny weather to encourage ripening. I found a variety of basil that doesn't bolt and it's growing really well (on the right at ground level). I'm making basil pesto to freeze.

Just some huge poppy seed capsules.

More bigness. Look at these raspberries. The duck's pool water gets dumped into them every day and the combination of duck poop fertilizer and water produced a great crop. Last year, during the drought, they were small and lots of work to pick. 

Three Amish heirloom sauce tomatoes. I will need lots more of them to put up sauce.

Flower power. Lots of color around the patio. Bees are busy here, but noticeably fewer of them this year than last. We've noticed some ground bees nesting in dry areas of the property but far fewer bumble and honey bees. We don't use pesticides or herbicides but pretty much everyone else around here does, insisting on golf green lawns and perfectly manicured yards. I guess that's more important than the survival of bees to them, sad to say. I'm happy to have a less than perfect yard.


 What is it about tractors that is so exciting? Bob is giddy with excitement and the neighbors are begging to take selfies on it. But the wi...