Saturday, August 15, 2015

Elwha Valley

We checked out another area in Olympic National Park today, the Elwha River Valley. This is where the Glines Dam was removed last year to restore the upper part of the river for salmon which are slowly returning after a hundred year absence. Removing the dam was quite an accomplishment as recorded in DamNation and other videos found online. The two pictures below show the narrow canyon slot where the dam was torn out and the old lake bed that is being restored with native plants. 

The dam abutments (fuzzy photos taken on crummy iPhone camera).

Madison Falls, not really spectacular but an attraction none-the-less.

The beautiful peeling bark of my favorite tree, the Madrone, growing amongst the firs and cedars.

A photo taken earlier this summer that I just found on my phone: a peony called Salmon Dream. 


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