Tuesday, December 10, 2013

This is just so.... wrong

I am following news from the north Olympic Peninsula before committing to moving there. While there is much we like in the area, there are things we find disturbing. Like the Poop Nazi we ran into last spring at the campground, challenging us about the dogs being off leash so they could jump into the back of the truck then pointing out a piece of poop across the road and asking if it was ours. Gotcha! Oh yes, the Poop Nazi wears a gun to do his job and takes it very seriously.

So I read there is a new management plan for the Dungeness Refuge. Apparently only walking is allowed on the five mile long spit. No running, no jogging, no trotting. Only walking. (Presumably the law doesn't apply to deer and other wildlife, but maybe I'm wrong.)

Well the new plan is going to allow some jogging! Yes, jogging will be allowed on a half mile stretch of beach or the trail adjacent the parking lot. That's not a lot of jogging if you're out for some exercise. Oh well, you'd probably just step in horse poop anyway since horse riding will be allowed on that same stretch of beach... IF you can get a horse there. There are no access points for horses because they are only allowed on this half mile section of beach. You have to get permission from a private property owner to get there with a horse or maybe drop in from a helicopter - if a helicopter is allowed.

And no doubt there is a gun-toting ranger to enforce the law and protect law-abiding walkers from reckless joggers and illegal-entry horses.

Surely, you say, there must be a good reason for this walking rule. Why, yes! There is! There hasn't been a study yet to determine the effects of jogging on wildlife.


I think... my head... is... exploding. (Is that allowed?)


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