This has been quite a week for us. You might be wondering way I'm writing about boiled linseed oil after the last post was about rat poison. If you guess that it has something to do with the dogs you'd be correct.
We had another emergency situation yesterday. Bob was finishing our new garden chairs with linseed oil...
Comfy new rockers for the yard |
...and left a bucket with a little oil in it on the garage floor. I went into the garage, Hattie at my heels, looking for a loupe so I could take a close look at her tick bite and within 30 seconds heard *slurp slurp* behind me. There was Hattie with her head in the bucket enjoying another illicit treat! This required a trip to the vet because vomiting was not what was called for.
The vet treated Hattie with a charcoal/clay suspension and sent us home with the bottle to administer the rest that evening. She slurped that slimy black stuff right up. There is nothing this dog will not eat.
The vet also wants to check Hattie for Lyme and other tick borne diseases in five weeks. In the meantime we have several days of cleaning up ugly black stools. Incredibly, I caught her licking the chairs where the odor of linseed oil still lingers this afternoon! What are we going to do about this girl?
Never a dull moment with Hattie |
In the garden we are battling rats. The strawberries have been disappearing and I thought Bob was eating them. He thought I was. Then he saw the rat run from the raspberries to the strawberries and we knew who was actually the luck one. There is now a trap in the strawberries. Here is one of the culprits that ate my other veggies.
No more veggies for you! |
Other garden news. I have some white peony poppies after all, though their size isn't as advertised. They'll be pretty when more of the buds open though.
A peony poppy |
There is even pottery news. I had some good results in the latest firing though I haven't had time to get pictures yet. That will be next post... if Hattie can stay out of trouble for a while!