The back fence and gate at the rental are completed. Work on the front section begins after my deer fence is in place. We're thinking about staining this to match the stained cedar shakes on the house.
Monday, June 29, 2020
A Few things
We had an unwelcome visitor yesterday. She ate all the tender new growth on my serviceberries then settled down for a nap. None of the irises, rhododendrons, peonies, yarrow, roses and other shrubs were bothered. We were lucky this time but now she knows, she'll be back. A deer-confusing extension is being added to the fence as I type.
The fish I dropped was glued back together and looks OK if you don't know where to look. There is still a replacement in the works. I need to make a few more things to fill the kiln. Lots of little boxes, pounders and a slump mold for hand building.
The back fence and gate at the rental are completed. Work on the front section begins after my deer fence is in place. We're thinking about staining this to match the stained cedar shakes on the house.
The back fence and gate at the rental are completed. Work on the front section begins after my deer fence is in place. We're thinking about staining this to match the stained cedar shakes on the house.
What is it about tractors that is so exciting? Bob is giddy with excitement and the neighbors are begging to take selfies on it. But the wi...

It's landscape planning time for the rental house. I need to keep it simple. Low maintenance. Deer proof outside the fenced area. I'...
I've got this jelly making thing down now that I have a water bath canner and fancy thermometer. We are stocked up for the winter with j...