Monday, May 18, 2020

Garden Notes

It's a big day for my early bearded irises. Somehow they survived the massive amount of rain fall yesterday to fully open this morning. They are multiplying like crazy and threatening to take over the garden beds. Many more to come.

Big display of heart shaped leaves from one epimedium.

The first bomb peony of the season. These are always impressive, huge, and not even fully open yet.

This is left over from last year, whatever it is. Survived the winter, just barely. Pretty. But the name eludes me. If I was organized and disciplined I would have notes of everything I've planted and where, but that's all just another layer of work I don't have the energy to do. *sigh*

I've tried to eradicate these Columbines ever since we moved here. They pop up in the worst spots. But they are persistent and go where they please. I no longer fight it since the bees are very attracted to them and so are doing some good. As for the bumblebees, I am happy to report the raspberries are swarming with them, too. After the poor showing last year I was afraid they were gone for good. I hope they find their way into the greenhouse later to pollinate the tomatoes - and the squash that just put out it's amazingly early first flower!


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