A cold air mass from the Fraser River valley in BC blew in last night. It brought a fluffy light snow to us. Puget Sound got the worst of it. Temperatures are expected to stay cold enough that this could last a few more days. The ducks complained a bit when I let them out and the sheep weren't delighted but are taking it in stride. Boots injured his leg and has been badly limping for a few days so all the boys have to stay home to let him rest. They are a tight group and cannot be separated. This year we're prepared for a cold snap. A heated water bucket for the sheep barn and a heated dog bowl for the duck water means no more chopping ice. Pretty as the snow is, I am ready for it to be gone. I spent the morning shoveling paths and knocking snow off the shrubs that were damaged by heavy snow last year in case more falls before it melts.
Tux. I think she's 14/15 this year. Blind and deaf, yet goes outside by herself, navigates by scent, and still likes her daily walks.
Hattie, very deaf now but not blind, loves me, but posing for the camera is asking a bit too much.