Sunday, February 3, 2019

Sheep Things

This is an interesting development. It appears we're creating a new line of sheep: the blackface Katahdin. Boots is an advanced case and Gimpy, to his right, a bit less.

I suspect they are eating hay that falls under the feeder and getting discolored by rubbing the bottom of the aluminum feeder. It doesn't wipe off and Boots is not about to cooperate for a face washing. Best case, this will be a winter phenomenon and the black will wear off when the grazing gets better. Silly sheep.

Timmi has become a demanding little thing pulling at my clothes, boots and gloves. He wants his hay and he wants it now! Here he is going for my pocket.

Mocha is more of a gentleman and waits patiently for hugs and neck rubs. The hay can wait.


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