We're about to get the coldest weather of the winter. It rained steadily most of the night and winds should pick up about 11 this morning. I made sure everything is secured because these will be very high winds. Tomorrow the temperature will drop to the teens or twenties so it's going to be miserable.
I thought it would be good to give the sheep a little time outside before it all goes bad so roused them from their snooze.
Not very enthusiastic on the walk out front.
As they head off course Hattie goes into action.
Stomper stops to nibble some delicious weeds, which we have plenty of, but Hattie doesn't like the boys being split up.
Safely in the pen and watching the mini-cows in the distance.
The boys are needing their feet trimmed and I'm trying to get it done before my surgery. We were held up waiting for the "chair" order to be delivered. It's a contraption you back the sheep into and they recline feet up while you work on them. It's supposed to make the job easier as once in that position they go quiet. So that arrived with the rain and now this expected cold spell, so we're really going to be pressed to get it done. Bob and Jason may have to tackle it without me!