Bees have been scarce this spring. I found this one clinging to a crabapple flower in the wind.

The boys take to their barn when it rains - our fair weather sheep.

Tux is still with us and doing well. She goes to the vet for blood work tomorrow to check on liver function and cocci titer. Poor thing is still taking medication for Valley Fever, hard on the liver. She's a tough old girl.

The tomatoes are growing well so far in their soil bags. I have to be careful not to overwater even with the drain holes poked in the bottom and sides of the bags.

We'll be eating kohlrabi soon.

A mix of things in an outdoor bed, growing much more slowly than the greenhouse veggies.

Cool weather greens doing well in this bed. We put hardware cloth around it to keep out rats. Last summer they destroyed the garden. That chard survived the winter.

I think I overdid the garlic this year. Will have to share with the neighbors.

Here are the duck girls loving their little pool. They like this one more than the bigger pool we put out last year so that one went to the dump. This is a safe spot in the raspberries for the ducks to relax.

This is a porcelain canister I've been working on. More interesting are the little sea stars on the window sill behind it. We found them dead on the beach last week.