With no sign of foot problems and drier weather we've released the sheep to the main pasture. It's been unused for two weeks, enough time to clear rot bacteria if that was the problem. Seems a lot longer than that. The sheep have become quite familiar with us and don't hesitate to put noses into pockets looking for treats. Gimpy even gives a nudge to get a neck and shoulder rub. They are fun to have around and Hattie is back to working with them. I'm working on slowing her down, walking up, keeping the sheep together and close to me so they calm down a bit. There is a world of difference between the dog broke sheep at Fido's Farm and my flighty boys but Hattie isn't intimidated by their stomping and bolting. She takes off with a wide outrun when they bolt and you'd think there is no way she could catch them, but she has amazing speed and is able to turn them back. Sometimes I'm afraid her heart will burst but she loves what she's doing.
Mocha with his shaggy blanket |
Red tulips in the memorial garden |
Peonies, iris and poppies off to a strong start |
My purple trillium is back |
Explosion of tulip color! |