Sunday, February 12, 2017

Nosework and Fencing

Hattie passed the odor recognition tests for birch, anise and clove Saturday. She was fast and spot on. Made me proud. With ORTs out of the way she can start earning titles, but I'm planning to take a break from nosework for a while to work on the yard and get things ready for sheep. 

On the sheep preps, wood posts were put in for the small night pen and perimeter fence. The pen is going behind my studio/shed (top 2 pics). Bottom pic shows the main pasture posts. The fencing will be five feet, one foot higher than the existing fence, to discourage coyotes. A deer was killed in the pasture a few months ago, and last night when I was putting the ducks in their house for the night there was a tremendous screeching and growling down at the ranch. It sounded like Raven, the cow dog, was fighting a coyote. What a ruckus! I haven't seen Raven today. She's a stout dog but I hope she's OK. Coyotes are definitely going to be a problem so I want the night pen really secure.


 What is it about tractors that is so exciting? Bob is giddy with excitement and the neighbors are begging to take selfies on it. But the wi...