Thursday, July 14, 2016

Garlic, Tomatoes, Onions

Despite all the strange weather we're managing some good things from the garden. We've had a bumper crop of raspberries, blueberries and strawberries (even though the rats were eating them too), and artichokes are still producing. Now the tomatoes are starting to color up and I harvested a load of onions and garlic and they are spread all around the garage to cure for a few weeks. 

Cipollini onions, the best! Sweet, mild, delicious.

We bought four types of garlic and I didn't bother to keep them identified, but they all look good. We have three bundles. Looks like Walla Walla onions hanging to the left. The giant ones will be perfect for big onion rings like the ones sold seasonally at Burgerville.

Hattie with the first big tomato of the season. She ripped a dew claw off a front paw yesterday while chasing a ball. 

Cherokee Purple, my favorite tomato, just waiting to be sliced for a sandwich. 


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