Monday, June 29, 2015
Hooper, still with us
The old girl was feeling better by yesterday afternoon. Today she's more like her old self. We started an antacid to help settle her stomach and will continue the Carprofen to make her comfortable, probably reducing the dosage if she makes it through the next week or two. It's likely she doesn't have too much time left anyway. If she gets another infection like the one she just had I don't think she'll make it. She was out and about today keeping track of me while I worked and it was very good to see that.
What is it about tractors that is so exciting? Bob is giddy with excitement and the neighbors are begging to take selfies on it. But the wi...

It's landscape planning time for the rental house. I need to keep it simple. Low maintenance. Deer proof outside the fenced area. I'...
I've got this jelly making thing down now that I have a water bath canner and fancy thermometer. We are stocked up for the winter with j...