A storm blew through and led us to redo some things in the garden. Strong winds whipped the bed covers around and mercilessly beat our little plants, so we made hoops with PVC pipe to support the fabric. I think they will survive any future storms. We also put up a temporary wind break on the fence. Wind and fog and salty air and sandy, gravelly soil are some of our gardening challenges here. It's always something.
Bob is working on a frame around the entry gate for climbing plants (I planted a purple honeysuckle there today) and I spread straw around the veggie area to slow evaporation and discourage weeds. It will be a good addition to the soil as it breaks down. I think the plan is to put chunky bark on the walkways over it. The squash starts went outside in their mounds today, too, so things are moving along. I pinched off most of the strawberry flowers earlier to give them a chance to put all their energy into growing roots, but I found a deliciously sweet ripe strawberry when I lifted the cover. Of course it's gone now.
Tag explored the garden while we worked. Some days are better than others. I need to write about him but am finding it too difficult now. Soon, maybe.
Row cover |
Red currants |
Garden entry |
Herbs |
Squash mounds |