Tag is really slowing down. He still wants to go for walks but cannot keep up. This morning he went out with us and putzed around a little, thus getting all the excitement of the going but then was left back at the house so I could take the full walk with the girls. It felt good to really walk again. I'm sorry to say it has become a burden keeping track of him when I'd rather be watching the trail or looking for wildlife. He's still as much a cutie as ever though. Hooper is still hanging in there, doing remarkably well. With limited hearing she does keep a close eye on me and is almost always found at my feet. She's pretty good at understanding hand signals now, or maybe she just reads my mind.
Friday, February 6, 2015
Dog Diaries
Tux seems to have rallied. Her appetite is back and she eats with gusto. Not sure what was going on. Maybe a backslide in her condition. Improvement appeared to come with the change in how she's getting the Terbinafine, although that may just be coincidental. Picture shows my set-up for preparing the Terbinafine for her. One tablet gets crushed (mortar & pestle top right), weighed (milligram scale left), divided into six portions and wrapped in tiny weighing paper packets (held by clip center bottom). Then I pour the daily portion into a liverwurst ball with her Fluconazole and serve with dinner. It's the first thing she eats.
What is it about tractors that is so exciting? Bob is giddy with excitement and the neighbors are begging to take selfies on it. But the wi...

It's landscape planning time for the rental house. I need to keep it simple. Low maintenance. Deer proof outside the fenced area. I'...
I've got this jelly making thing down now that I have a water bath canner and fancy thermometer. We are stocked up for the winter with j...