Here is Tag home from the vet after having his teeth cleaned. He is still loopy and unsteady on his feet. Everything looked good for his age so there were no extractions. I had a hunch this morning and asked them to check his ears while he was sedated. I haven't seen any symptoms of problems but like I said, just a hunch, and it turned out he has a pretty severe infection in one ear. There was a hard plug of dirt and wax on the ear drum of the other ear that was removed, too. So we are treating this infection with two antibiotics systemically as anything being put into the ear could cause the drum to rupture. There was also a tiny tag growing on one eyelid that was cauterized so it doesn't get out of hand like Hooper's. Well, the issues of older dogs are many but these guys should be in good shape to travel at end of month.

The Steller's jays are back. They hop on the bench in front of the window to announce themselves so we'll bring them an offering of nuts. I do believe they are training us.