The walls of the bonus room are textured and primed. Today I select colors: ceiling, walls, floor. Do I go with something colorful to my liking or more neutral for sale? Do I go Man Cave or feminine? Decisions. Decisions. After painting we do trim work, rehang the lighting and clean up. Voila! How long did that take?
Below is the injured calf I think I mentioned before. There was swelling around the fetlock on the right rear leg. I'm thinking it tangled with a porcupine as the fetlock looked very similar to another moose that we immobilized to pull out quills. The calf could recover on its own or succumb to infection. It was noticeably thinner than its sibling at this point. I haven't seen it around recently and hope it's OK... even if the damned thing eats my raspberries.
In the garden only one peony flowered after the hard winter and crazy late spring, but monkshood is abundant, roses are blooming and wildflower seeds I tossed out earlier are finally producing color. I'm waging a war with highly invasive hedge nettle this summer. It takes over any open ground, overwhelms the desirable plants and the moose don't eat it. We're into August weather, cloudy and threatening rain, but not nearly enough to moisten the soil yet. Showers today are more promising.
Pretty serrated leaves of the burnet |
Golden elder, second year |
Marie Bugnet |
Peony |
Tux, soft paws |