A momma moose has been making late night visits with her twins. Bob tries to wake me to take pictures but I am dead to the world. The cow went berserk one night racing back and forth on the bluff, snorting, jumping and looking impressively furious. (An enraged moose is something you will never forget.) One of her calves was having difficulty getting up the slope and there must have been a bear or another moose around to cause such distress. Last night they paraded calmly through the yard, nibbling at this and that, like nothing had happened. Another moose got into the penned area in front of the house, where I've been trying to protect new plantings since the moose attack last year. There wasn't much damage this time but we'd better make sure there is no way a calf could get in there or there will be holy hell to pay getting it out. I once had the thrill of extricating a moose calf caught in a wire fence with its raging mother on the other side of the fence and it is something I will never forget. Really got the old heart pumping, but it was worth the scare to see them reunited. She had moose-napped another moose's twins, thinking she would lose hers permanently, and immediately abandoned them to their own mother when she got her baby back. Funny that moose psychology.
Tuesday, June 4, 2013
Tux's Eyes and Moose Tales
Another rainy day and we are all feeling kind of lazy. The picture of Tux, below, shows that stubborn dark mass in the left eye. The cloudiness and other nasty stuff is cleared up, but this bloody stuff might be permanent, which isn't so bad as long as she can see. She's really good about taking the eye drops, most likely because the treat afterwards and knowing the other dogs, who watch the whole operation very closely, don't get anything. Frightening news is that the Adequan that helps so much with her mobility is not available at the online pharmacies right now. There is a shortage and even vets are limited to buying only 3 vials. I have enough on hand for a few months and can only hope the supply issue straightens itself out before we need more. I'd hate to see the poor dog become lame again when she is doing so well.
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